
Namaste Kitchen – Roti Flat Bread

roti-spelt breadroti-spelt breadroti-spelt breadroti-spelt breadroti-spelt bread

Roti – Nepalese Flat Bread

With Spelt Flour

This is Nepalese Bread.

It is often eaten as an alternative to the usual rice and is served with Dal and a vegetable side dish.

It is really easy.


300g  Flour (we used Organic Wholegrain Spelt Flour)

200ml Milk/Water (100mls of each) or just water

Pinch Salt (if desired)



Use a big mixing bowl

Add the flour

Add most of the the liquid (don’t add it all-keep a little back as your flour may not be thirsty enough for it all!)

Use your hands like a claw to mix the flour and water together until blended

It should come together to make a dough (not too wet)

Knead for a few minutes

Divide into 8 equal portions

Roll each portion into a ball shape

Using a rolling pin, roll each ball into a flat disc (quite thin)

Use a gridle or frying pan. Heat the pan on a medium heat

Cook each disc on the DRY pan pressing down any air bubbles that happen

Cook both sides until toasted and golden

Eat immediately!

Great with butter and honey!

or as an alternative to rice with your curry


Namaste And Enjoy!

Jennifer Walsh-Rupakheti


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Yoga Memories By Jennifer Walsh

Keshav and Jennifer Rupakheti Belfast

Yoga Memories

By Jennifer Walsh-Rupakheti

I remember my first class, 8am one Dublin morning.
And how I had to go home afterwards to sleep.
That’s when you taught me that Yoga is a workout,
and not just people sitting poised chanting OM.

I remember crying when my boss changed my work rota,
So I could no longer attend my regular Monday night class.
That’s when you taught me how much I need you,
and taught him that it’s not ok to make girls cry.

I remember how long it took me to finally get up into full wheel pose (4 years!)
That’s when you showed me how scared I was to go out of my comfort zone.(and how stiff my back was)

I remember how competitive I felt during my first few years, comparing myself to the other bendy girls.
That’s when you showed me how hard I am on myself.

I remember attending a class in Kathmandu
and wondering if the teacher was married.
That’s when you showed me True love
and it’s endless possibilities.

I remember just last week,
my Kathmandu yoga teacher and I,
sitting in our yoga centre, looking out over the park and thinking,
I’m home, Thank you.


Jennifer Walsh-Rupakheti, Founder & Owner of Namaste Yoga Centre in Belfast in Northern Ireland.

Wife to Nepali Yoga Teacher Keshav  and mum to Lukas and Jasmine.
Enthusiastic lover of Yoga for many years (18 years I think), keen gardener, experimental cook and meditation addict.
When things get tough. I write poems. Strange but true. It helps.
Read Namaste by Jennifer

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Kundalini Yoga Wellness Wednesdays

Kundalini Yoga Wellness Wednesdays

4 Day Yoga Wellness Experience

@ Namaste Yoga Belfast 

265A Ormeau Road Belfast, BT7 3GG.

Wednesdays 7:50-9pm

2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd October

Costs £48

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During this 4 week program you will be exploring wellness experiences including kundalini yoga, meditation, bodyrolling  and trying new healthy drink recipes. To help you feel revitalised and rejuvenated.

All equipment provided. 

Suitable for beginners

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