Level 2 Yoga (60mins)

You will learn a wide variety of Yoga poses with a relaxation at the end of the class so that you leave feeling revived.

Suitable for Beginners with no experience and also for those with some yoga knowledge.

Beginners yoga Belfast

We provide 7 Level 2/Beginners Yoga Classes:

Monday : 5.40pm,  8.20pm

Tuesday : 1pm,   5.40pm 

Wednesday : 8.20pm

Thursday : 5.40pm

We have extra mats but it is nice to use your own if you have one.


£10 online/ £10 drop in

£72 – 8 week session – book here 


Also suitable for Beginners:

Express Yoga classes – Recorded classes

Sunday morning yoga – 11.15am – 12.30pm


Suitable for

  • anyone who is reasonably fit and healthy and wanting to learn Yoga

  • some experience of yoga

  • no experience of yoga


Our classes are structured so that you learn how to do yoga. You learn whilst doing.

You can then do yoga at home or anywhere.

And you will build on this throughout your months and even years of practising with us, deepening your experience of understanding of yoga in your own personal way.

Keshav Rupakheti,  Sammia McCamphill and Orla McKeagney teach the Beginners Yoga Classes.

For a more basic and easier level then try out our Absolute Beginners Yoga class.

If you are unsure which class is for you, feel free to chat to Keshav or Jennifer, they will find the right class for you.

New to yoga? Here is info on What to Wear to Yoga.

‘Absolutely the best yoga studio for the money.

If you’re looking for a great workout, a mental getaway or just go there for the challenge of a 90 minute workout, Namaste Yoga Belfast is perfect.

Excellent teachers who care about each and every yogi. A Yoga studio that has heart and soul. Cosy atmosphere and great class times options’ Emily

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Book a yoga class through our schedule and online booking system.

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Spring Equinox Celebration

Time: 10.30 - 5

Price: 80

Spring Equinox Celebration

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